
Simplexity is an emerging theory that proposes a possible complementary relationship between complexity and simplicity. No need to reinvent the wheel, especially when relying on proven technology and strong partnerships. We meet complex environments and apply our  “keep-it-simple” mentality through experience in order to simplify your solution and budget.

Redefining complex environments with a
keep-it-simple” mentality


years of experience

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Lifecycle Management

We make sure you know what you pay for. We are in business long enough to understand how important professional Lifecycle Management is. That is why we commit to having a seamless transition from our project team to our service team. Our main goal is to establish a win-win. We do this jointly with you, through thorough evaluation of the complexity of your project combined with your need for on-site management.

Needless to say, all our projects come with a full-fledged Service Level Agreement (SLA):

  • On-site support with short response times
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Retrofit solutions
  • 24/7 remote software support, all year round
  • Guaranteed response times
  • Residential maintenance
  • Modernised spare parts management
  • Guaranteed clear description of our performed works and root-cause analysis

Project Execution

Thanks to our standardised project approach, we avoid unnecessary engineering. We strongly believe in:

  • A lean and flexible setup of our execution experts
  • No waste of unnecessary time > quicker results and less contingencies

Examples of projects

At E’Log Automation, we share the same DNA in all departments. This includes our Project Management team. With our own E’PLC, we focus on standardising our PLC code and interfaces as far as possible in order to increase efficiency and speed of execution. Our team knows the business better than anyone and is empowered to have one purpose: to make sure our customer’s satisfaction reflects on our future customers. When dealing with unexpected events, we choose communication, not conflict. Simplexity is key.

Solution Development

No need to overcomplicate a solution, we listen to those who know their business better than anyone – our customers – and design a solution in joint collaboration. We can do this, based on our combined 113 years in automation business. As independent turn-key integrator acting as SPOC (single point of contact) for our customers, we always do our very best to avoid unnecessary engineering by using our modular concepts. While focusing on small to medium sized projects, we strive for excellence in solution development. With technologies in our sector evolving at increasing pace, we combine our experience and know-how in our concepts to evaluate the technology independently in order to make sure our customers receive the best concept, based on both theory and practice.

Interested in our services?

Contact us to find out what we can do for you.