November 26, 2024
The power of turnkey integration

From initial problem to functional solution: turnkey integration is at the heart of E’Log Automation. As an independent integrator, E’Log manages the entire process from start to finish. The benefits of this approach? With a birds-eye view of all projects, E’Log’s Head of Execution Bert Verheyden is the perfect person to shed light on the issue.
Since joining E’Log Automation in 2023, Bert has been in charge of all things project management related. The best part of the job? ‘The variety. One day, I’m in the office working on a project with our engineers and the next I’m on-site fine-tuning systems with my clients. That’s what integration is all about: seeing if what we designed in theory actually works in practice and adds value for our clients.’
Comprehensive turnkey integration
E’Log Automation specialises in turnkey integration. ‘We’re not manufacturers, we’re integrators’ says Bert. ‘We bring together existing sub-systems to create a fully functional whole. For us, turnkey integration means handling the entire process from start to finish. Customers come to us with a question or a problem and we help them find the best solution. Once we’ve done that, we look for the right sub-systems and make sure they work seamlessly, both mechanically and electrically. We integrate these various sub-systems into a fully functional system using our own software. This can range from PLC software for cranes, conveyors and monorails to fleet management for AGVs and AMRs. We manage the whole process: from engineering to commissioning and from testing to follow-up and maintenance. Basically, we take on full responsibility for the solution.’
One partner, one goal
The advantages of this approach are clear. ‘Few companies operate like we do, which makes us unique. Most automation companies have their own production and approach projects from that mindset: what can we offer based on our product range? We take a much broader approach, first developing a solution and then selecting the best suppliers to meet our clients’ specific needs. That’s where our added value lies. It keeps us sharp and helps us deliver the best possible solution every time. As a turnkey system integrator, we have a bird’s-eye view of the entire process and work closely with everyone involved. Our expertise makes a real difference for our clients, especially if the solution involves multiple sub-systems.’
Piecing things together
In addition to electrical and mechanical integration, software control plays a key role in managing projects. Safety and innovation are top priorities at E’Log Automation. ‘Our team includes mechanical and electrical engineers as well as other specialists. For example, we use skilled professionals with extensive knowledge of AMR and AGV to install our self-driving forklifts. And our PLC engineers have experience with container transport, pallet transport, automatic pallet cranes, mini-load cranes, monorail shuttles and shuttle warehouses. When it comes to turnkey integration, careful project management is just as important as good engineering.’
Ambitious plans
The diversity of projects at E’Log Automation means there’s no such thing as a ‘typical timeline’. ‘A small project might take us six months to finish and a larger one may take eighteen months or more. It all depends on the type of project, the complexity, and how smoothly things go. This makes it both challenging and fun at the same time. We want to maintain our high quality of service in the future while also securing our growth. The challenge lies in finding the right people with the right mindset. Expanding in the Netherlands – we opened our first international branch in August 2024 – is another important focal point moving forward. We’re also working on further streamlining our operations. In short: there’s plenty to do at E’Log Automation!’